I feel like this song is an odd choice, even when trying to write about it. There’s only one specific memory associated with it, but that spawns a web of memories and people. I was at a party—and party is a stretch, it was five of us—but those are some of the best parties, are they not? We were at my friend's cottage on the lake around the end of May of last year. We all ran—or walked—into the lake that night and it was cold as hell—but I’m getting off track. My friend Abbie was on aux and somehow this ended up playing. And I just remember the five of us—Abbie, Kate, Julia, Tanner, and I—screaming every word of this song and dancing around without a care in the world. I had known them all for years and yet, with the exception of Tanner, I hadn’t gotten to know them til that year. It’s so weird being in a room with people so familiar yet so new. The joke was on me though, because I wish I had gotten to know them earlier.
There’s like, this legend behind this one moment with Abbie and I—at least, I’ve told it like a legend. It was my first party—a grad/birthday party at a camping ground in the woods—and I was having a good time. At one point, who knows how this happened, I ended up being half in-half out of the tent, with my upper body being fully out. The stars that night were incredible, seeing a night sky like that is one of the things I miss most about home. I tried to take a photo of the stars but failed to account for the camera flash and the tree in the way. One of my favorite photos ever. But it ended up being Abbie and I just looking at these beautiful stars and we just started talking about life. It was one of those late night talks you have at 2am. It was deep and personal, and a long conversation. And I hold that memory very close to my heart because it was one of the factors that led me to this friend I appreciate so much. And it was just by itself a great conversation. A situation that cannot be replicated. It’s just a good memory.
And it’s funny how moments like that lead to other memories and events, like a domino effect. It was that night.conversation that led me to being friends with Kate and Julia. Once again, I was already friendly with them. I had spent a lot of the year sitting next to Kate in comp sci, but (again) it was a party that changed things. It was early May and I was hanging out in my room with my friends Cameron and Tanner when I got a text from Kate. Kate and I didn’t talk outside of school so this was something of note. What had happened was she had access to her parents cottage for the night and wanted people to come over with her and Julia, but everyone had something going on. So they’re texting Abbie and she suggests inviting me. And that’s how I eventually ended up singing and dancing to American Pie a few weeks later.
It really is funny having the power of hindsight and seeing how everything happened / worked out. And with that perspective, I feel incredibly blessed for how my life and friendships have worked out. Like, wow. Not only am I so lucky to have found so many smart, funny, talented individuals in a place like Adams, NY, I continue to find myself surrounded by people who inspire me here in Los Angeles. The fact that I get to write “here in Los Angeles” is crazy enough. But the fact that I get to write it while having amazing friends, here and at home, is amazing. I am so lucky to live my life and have these people in it.
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